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  • You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days for a refund. Once the Items have been received, the refund will be processed back to customer.

  • If you need to return an item, login to your account, view the order using the "My Orders" tab on menu and gather the information you need to submit a return form.

  • we do not accept returns of any trading card games (i.e. Pokemon, Magic, Yugioh, etc.). This is to maintain integrity of our inventory.

  • If we mishandled your order, Gray Knight Games will provide a return label for the items (Ex. incorrect or defective item received).

  • Issues with board games, card games & miniatures missing components must have their parts replaced via the manufacturer. Please contact with the specifics and we will instruct you how to proceed.

  • A 15-20% restocking fee may be applied to returned items.


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My game arrived damaged. What should I do?

  • We take care to carefully check games as they arrive to us to make sure we don't send out damaged games. We also pack boxes with plenty of padding to survive the journey to you. However shipping companies sometimes drop them with force on a corner and it damages the games in the box.

  • In the event your games arrive to you damaged please do not remove the shrink wrap, keep the shipping box, and all packing materials until your claim is resolved and contact us at via the Return form. Please send pictures of the damage done to your games in addition to pictures capturing all sides of the box including the bottom and the shipping label.

  • If you feel more comfortable you can email us directly with your pictures of the damage done to your games in addition to pictures capturing all sides of the box and the shipping label. Include the order number and remember to not remove the shrink wrap, keep the shipping box, and all packing materials until your claim is resolved

  • Please note: if you remove the shrink wrap, we may be unable to replace the item in certain situations.

  • In the case that the shrink wrap was removed during shipping (Due to damages) include this in your email request in addition.

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